Discovering the Bible
It’s the world’s best-seller, it is also one of the world’s most unread books in all of history.
Millions of copies are distributed every year, but in many homes, they just sit on shelves and gather dust. But it’s a book like none other in the world—where did it come from? What does it consist of? Is it still relevant for today, or is it just a book of myths? These are questions we aim to answer in our new series currently in production.
Today, in an age of scepticism and materialism there are millions of people from all walks of life whose lives have been radically changed through ‘Discovering—the Bible’. This is the theme and title of our new series.
During the summer we were able to film sequences on location in Corinth and Rome, as well as a number of locations in the UK. In North Wales we visit the site of the home of Mary Jones and relate the wonderful story of Mary Jones and her Bible. Look out for reports from more locations in the coming months.